To piggyback off our last post. If you still aren't convinced that no one else deserves an opinion on your decision to book a session and have your images shared, you have options!
We have a few different options for clients as far as an image release goes.
Option 1: Full Release - you give us the right to publish your images anywhere. This means social media, our website, our HMUA's social media, publications, contests and promotional materials.
Option 2: Partial Release - you choose which of the places listed above you are comfortable with your images being published.
Option 3: Full Anonymous Release - you give us the right to publish your any of your images that do not include your face anywhere. This means social media, our website, our HMUA's social media, publications, contests and promotional materials.
Option 4: Partial Anonymous Release - you choose which of the places listed above you are comfortable with your anonymous images being published.
Option 5: No Release - Your images are not published ANYWHERE and are for your eyes only (and whoever you choose to share them with.)
We do understand that there are some professions where Boudoir is not YET accepted, so we try to be accommodating. We would NEVER publish your images without your expressed or written release.
This babe chose to allow us to publish her images anonymously and there are still so many amazing options for us to share!